Mental health difficulties can significantly interfere with a student ‘s learning, cognitive, emotional and social functioning.
Educational adjustments in a school setting can provide support for students with high support needs in mental health. Healthy Minds Clinical Psychologists are skilled in recognising student needs and can help work with education providers to best ensure that school is a safe and supportive environment.
Healthy Minds Clinical psychologists are able to conduct thorough and specialised learning, cognitive and neuropsychological assessment batteries to help identify student strengths and difficulties in many aspects of functioning (including memory, attention, processing, executive function, etc.) They can also provide behaviour management plans and strategies to help support staff in the classroom setting.
It is important to remember that often, isolated events or single symptoms are not always a sign of a mental illness. However, if symptoms increase in severity or frequency or start to interfere with the student’s abilities to function appropriately at school or at home, then appropriate intervention may be necessary. An increase in problematic areas may indicate the onset of a more serious mental health concern that requires additional support.
Some signs that there may be some difficulties that the student is experiencing can include: